Arriving at the “Unconditional Surrender” statue today at 12:45pm, I was surprised to find that already people were leaving. Apparently, the first wave of lunch-breakers had done their protesting for today.
Of the hundreds that remained (no official word yet on numbers), many held signs, sported creative apparel, and generally demonstrated a remarkable level of passion about the spending habits of their elected officials. Protesters lined the roadway from One Sarasota Tower to Main Street, and a significant crowd gathered closely around the statue to hear various people sound off through a weak tailgate P.A. system.
It was an historic day, and it was a privilege to have participated. Here are some of the sights as seen through my camera’s lens
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Unfortunately, my schedule didn’t permit me to make it to the Lakewood Ranch Tea Party gathering. I welcome to the opportunity to hear from some of you who were there!
Update: Photos and a report from the downtown tea party are posted here.
I have a question for you:
Is it “Taxation Without Representation” if your elected “representatives” vote on a $500 Billion tax bill without even reading it?
Some of the thousands of protestors gathered for the March 21st Tea Party in Orlando, FL
If you think so, then the time has come to throw another tea party. When in colonial America, the British “representative” government (Parliament did, after all, claim to represent all British citizens… including the colonists) tried to ramrod the monopolistic East India Company’s tea down the throats of the colonies against their wishes, without consulting them, and while outlawing “free market tea,” the colonists famously dumped the tea in Boston harbor.
There’s no practical way to dump what’s being shoved down our throats anywhere — it’s too freaking much!
So… in a symbolic act, you are invited to join us for the Sarasota Tea Party (or the Lakewood Ranch Tea Party, if you prefer) on a fabulously symbolic day: April 15th.
What better way to spend tax day?
Here’s the skinny:
Sarasota Tea Party
Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 at Noon
Marina Jack on Sarasota Bay near Downtown. (In fact, the group will gather at the Unconditional Surrender statue, which is either more symbolic or more ironic… I’m not sure which.)
You are encouraged to dress creatively (i.e. to appropriately attract attention).
Bring signs.
Bring tea bags. Lots of tea bags.
Prepare to be photographed and be interviewed. Do us a favor… read up on the current events, the history of the tea party, or anything else you may talk about on camera.
Do us another favor: spell-check your sign(s). We really don’t need to look stupid on TV or in the media.
Lakewood Ranch Tea Party
Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 from 3pm – 7pm. (Nice if you want to come hang out after work.)
You are encouraged to dress creatively (i.e. to appropriately attract attention).
Bring signs.
Bring tea bags. Lots of tea bags.
Prepare to be photographed and be interviewed. Do us a favor… read up on the current events, the history of the tea party, or anything else you may talk about on camera.
Do us another favor: spell-check your sign(s). We really don’t need to look stupid on TV or in the media.
This information is subject to change. And, since I like a good discussion, do me a favor:
Leave a comment below with your biggest current hot-button that motivates you to join us for the Tea Party. Be sure to check the box that says “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.” That way, you’ll hear from some of the other folks who might be joining us… and, I’ll be able to leave a comment if anything changes… which of course means that you’ll be notified.
Incidentally, I have no affiliation with this company (for the record), but here’s some great Tax Day Tea Party Apparel (think “Don’t Tread on Me”).