Great Event!

A gigantic “Thank You” to Jeff Timpanaro of Oberata Consulting in Houston, Texas and all the people who worked so hard to make the “Eliminating Time Debt” event such a success. For those business owners and business leaders who participated, you have work to do! You received some powerful new tools and a preview of some of the other systems and tools available in the Total Integration Executive Program.

As a follow-up to this and other recent Total Integrationâ„¢ events, Epiphany Consulting has scheduled a “JumpStart” in partnership with Justin DeStoppelaire of C Service Consulting, Inc. in St. Petersburg, Florida. This is a one-hour phone call that gives you access to an actual Total Integrationâ„¢ module and a taste of what a real call is like. It is done in a group setting, however, so we are able to affix a low cost per participant. We’re also offering a free download of the “Eliminating Time Debt” interview with Eric Beck and Bill Sanders, which is a phenomenal resource that sells on CD for $49 in and of itself.

The next JumpStart will occur on Tuesday, October 17th at 1pm Eastern. Registration is required. The investment is a mere $47. You can access the registration page here.

Eliminating Time Debt

Sticky Notes on MonitorEver had the feeling that you had so much to do that you could never possibly catch up?

I have.

Isn’t it amazing how similar that feeling is to the feeling of being in debt up to your eyeballs? Making minimum payments or interest only payments . . . never getting ahead . . . only creating more debt . . .

If you’re walking around under the load of an impossible task list, with no hope of ever catching up, then you’re in “time debt.” Even if you’re not that far behind, but keep moving your “to-do” list from one day to the next, then you’re in time debt. You’re probably also not aware of how much this really affects you – mentally, emotionally and even physically. These effects add up. Your productivity will be lower. Creativity is reduced. It can even result in depression.

What can you do about time debt?

Eliminate it!

My good friend Jeff Timpanaro (President of Oberata Consulting in Houston) and I are conducting a seminar in the Houston area on Tuesday, October 10th, 2006. The seminar is a 2-hour event, during which we will provide you with the tools you need to strategically change how you approach your “to-do” list and your calendar. These life-changing principles are being used by top executives and business owners across the country with some amazing results.

Visit the Time Debt Event site for more details! I hope to see you there.